
ARTEMISIA 1.5.1 -Now It’s finally possibile to Import or download your drawn lines as SVG format!


ARTEMISIA - Pocket Visual Editor

You can now continue your graphic workflow outside of ARTEMISIA, by exporting .SVG files of your vector lines!

  • New Menu Options added in File menu:"Import SVG"
  • New Menu Options added in File menu: "Download as SVG"
  • Integrated options on the backend to save SVG data as Project
  • None

Another quick update to confirm that we have also finalised the integration of a new native saving format.

In this case, it is a kind of addition to what has just been added to the program as new tools.
 It is now possible to save and even import SVG files to be edited directly in ARTEMISIA.

In this way, the graphics creation tools DrawPolyLine and DrawPath can retain their characteristics even when exiting ARTEMISIA.

Not only that, you can also edit files previously created with other programmes, without losing the vector information you have created so far!

This small but significant upgrade allows you to extend the use of ARTEMISIA to more complex and articulated graphic workflows.


ARTEMISIA 1.5.0 – It’s all about Lines, Polylines and Bezier! Two New powerful tools awaits!

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ARTEMISIA 1.5.2 – Added a bunch of new options for the Line tools for greater control.

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